Another Successful Law and Leadership Summer Program Concludes

The KARAMAH team worked diligently to execute our 13th annual Law and Leadership Summer Program (LLSP). On the second day of LLSP this year, we were already receiving inspiring testimonials from our participants. Dilfuza Abdulkhasan told KARAMAH that one day in this program had already changed her life. Such big words energize us and give our team more momentum to carry on our efforts and make LLSP one of the best experiences in these women’s lives. For the past 13 years, KARAMAH has brought together amazing Muslim women from all over the world to Washington, DC where they learn from acclaimed Islamic scholars, leadership mavens, and the leading expert on conflict resolution from an Islamic perspective.

This year was no different, and it is with immense pride that we introduce to you our most recent alumnae class of 2015. This year, KARAMAH hosted 20 participants hailing from Germany, Turkey, Morocco, Kenya, South Africa, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kosovo and the U.S. Each leader was as accomplished as the next—some were academics and others lawyers. Among the group we had a critically acclaimed journalist, a holistic healer, a clinical psychologist, and students at leading universities around the world. Each day in the program was spent in the pursuit of knowledge, the honing of skills, and creating a bond of sisterhood. KARAMAH’s curriculum has been honed and modified with each year. While the core curriculum remains the same, this year KARAMAH added unique lectures tailored to the class of 2015. KARAMAH’s core curriculum includes lectures such as The Islamic Worldview, Approaching the Qur’an, the Ethics of Leadership, Muslim Women’s Rights at Marriage and DivorceFinancial Rights: Do Women Have Them?, and The Islamic Marriage Contract. KARAMAH’s leadership curriculum includes classes such as, The Theory of ChangeCommunity Organizing: What is it all about? and Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women.

In addition to these lectures and an intensive two day workshop on Conflict Resolution with Dr. Amr Abdalla, this year KARAMAH hosted retired Army General David Irvine who spoke on the issue of U.S. sanctioned torture. Particularly, he spoke about the duty and obligation of leaders to speak out against injustice. Both he and Dean Robert Destro of Catholic University spoke about the ethics of leadership from a social as well as a faith perspective. The keynote address was delivered by Ms. Lynn Rosenthal, former Advisor on Violence Against Women at the White House, who inspired the class of 2015 by sharing her personal story and how it led her to affect change.  She used that platform to share stories and insight that might not have otherwise been shared. On the final day of the program, Ms. Manar Waheed, Deputy Policy Director for Immigration at the White House Domestic Policy Council, motivated the class with her story of changing careers after having been convinced it was the only way for her and committing to a new subject, learning about that issue, and landing herself at the heart of policy change on that issue at the White House. Participants showed that they were ready to bring change to their communities even before the end of the program, spreading the strength and empowerment they’ve gained through LLSP at our “Strong Voices, Strong Communities” event held on August 12th at Busboys and Poets. The audience was moved by the power of these women and the courage they exhibited standing on stage in front of a full room and sharing their personal stories. With strong voices, composure and poise, they captured the audience and kindled in them sparks of motivation to step out with steadfastness in pursuit of their rights and the betterment of their communities. They made it clear: “we shall not be silenced.”

We welcome alumnae of the 2015 Law and Leadership Summer Program to the KARAMAH sisterhood, and we are looking forward to continue hearing their strong voices and seeing their achievements. Each of these leaders went home carrying with her dreams, aspirations and a strong will to affect change. With the skills and knowledge these leaders gained during these 3 weeks, they’re ready to continue the unstoppable cycle of change begun at LLSP. See LLSP 2015 pictures here

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