Congratulations to Saudi Women!


September 26, 2011

We congratulate Saudi Women for the historical development giving them the right to become full members of the Shura Council, the highest consultative body in the Kingdom. We also congratulate them for acquiring the right to vote, nominate and run as candidates in all future municipal elections.

In his Royal Decree granting these rights to women, King Abdullah said:

“All people know that Muslim women have had in the Islamic history positions that cannot be marginalized, including correct opinions and advice since the era of Prophet Mohammed. As examples, we cite the advice of the Mother of Believers Umm Salamah on Al-Hudaybiyah Day, in addition to many examples during the era of the Prophet’s companions and followers until today.”

KARAMAH has repeatedly argued in its articles and speeches that Islamic history and jurisprudence support Muslim women’s rights. We relied specifically on the example of Um Salamah and found it powerful. We are very pleased that Saudi women are now walking on the path of their illustrious grandmothers and wish them additional advances that would further benefit from their distinguished history.
