Dr. al-Hibri the keynote speaker in ISB Atlanta’s 2011 Building Bridges Awards Dinner

On October 29, 2011, Dr. Azizah al-Hibri presented the keynote address at The Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta (ISB)’s “2011 Building Bridges Awards Dinner”- an annual event organized by ISB . The address was entitled “Anti-Shari’ah Laws and Religious Freedom in America.” In this address, Dr. al-Hibri explained the adverse effects of these laws on the religious freedom of Muslims and other people of faith.

The event honored individuals and organizations in the metro Atlanta area who have made significant contributions toward interfaith and multicultural understanding. It was attended by prominent leaders from Atlanta’s interfaith, education, and business communities.

Dr. Al-Hibri was approached following the banquet by several members in the audience and by some local media. Many attendees were enthralled by Dr. Al-Hibri’s words, and gathered to ask her further questions. Some local Muslims asked Dr. Al-Hibri for advice on how to relate the true message of Islam, as they understand it, to their friends and neighbors. Some local attorneys inquired from Dr. Al-Hibri about the potential of training mediators and arbitrators in Shari’ah law in order to address marital and other problems faced by Muslim couples that could lead to legal action.
