KARAMAH: Call for Papers on Muslim Women’s Leadership

KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights is issuing a call for papers on the topic of “Women’s Leadership in Islam”, welcoming a wide range of article submissions in the fields of history, religion, sociology, anthropology, gender studies, and others.

Islamic notions about women and their roles in society have caused much debate both amongst Muslim scholars and practitioners, as well as secular commentators on Islam. Although women throughout Islamic history have assumed a wide variety of leadership roles in society– from scholars to sultans to merchants to mothers to warriors– the question of women’s leadership persists. KARAMAH seeks to further develop the scholarship on this topic and to broaden its scope, focusing on (though not limited to) the following themes: (1) women in the Qur’an: their status, roles, and stories; (2) prominent women in Islamic history and their leadership roles; (3) barriers to women’s leadership, including cultural notions of women’s roles in society and differing interpretations of Prophetic traditions; (4) women’s role in reshaping their nations, such as during the Arab Spring; (5) contemporary Muslim women leaders (not limited to political leaders); and (6) the legitimacy of women’s leadership, whether religious, political, or professional.

Papers will be accepted up to 5,000 words, and should be electronically submitted as double-spaced Word documents.

Please submit papers to avajid@karamah.org no later March 23.
