KARAMAH Hosts Lecture on the State of Muslims in Europe

In light of its increasing focus and work in Europe, KARAMAH recently held a lecture entitled “The State of Muslim Communities in Europe.” The event was intended to raise awareness among American Muslims and foreign affairs professionals about issues related to integration and discrimination in Europe. In particular, the lecture focused on policies enacted by European governments geared towards European Muslim communities.

During the event Ms. Kristin Archick, a Specialist in European Affairs for the Library of Congress’s Congressional Research Service, spoke alongside Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, Founder and Chair of KARAMAH, Commissioner on the US Commission for International Religious Freedom, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Richmond T.C. Williams School of Law. Ms. Archick’s expertise on issues of integration and security in Europe allowed her to provide insight into European governmental policies towards Muslim communities, while Dr. al-Hibri’s deep understanding of Muslim communities and her first-hand engagement with European Muslim communities allowed her to speak authoritatively about the experiences of many European Muslims and the effects of such policies.

After an introduction to the topic by KARAMAH’s Executive Director, Ms. Archick provided a brief and general history of European governmental policies towards Muslim communities. During her lecture, Ms. Archick explained the evolution of European security and integration policies since the 1980s, identifying the events and developments that have brought about the current policies.

To supplement this background and shed insight into particular pockets of Muslims in Europe, Dr. Azizah al-Hibri spoke briefly about the concerns and experiences of different European Muslims – drawing from her work with KARAMAH-EU and other experiences on the continent. While Dr. al-Hibri prefaced her discussion by stating all European countries vary in their policies and approaches to Muslims, she was able to identify and discuss four general factors which affect most countries: immigration, religion, race and security.

After brief initial remarks, Dr. al-Hibri and Ms. Archick took questions from the audience and engaged in a lengthy discussion. This discussion touched on specific policies – such as the French ban on face coverings and the Swiss ban on minarets – but also addressed general issues of integration and discrimination that are confronting many countries in Europe.

In many ways, this event reflected the conversations taking place in many changing communities across the world. By bringing experts who can speak about the subject without political bias, KARAMAH hopes to elevate the level of dialogue around difficult issues. As these global discussions carry on, KARAMAH will continue to provide opportunities for community members to learn and discuss. To see future events, visit KARAMAH’s News & Events page at http://www.karamah.org/news.

To read more about Muslims in Europe, you can access two online reports:
Europe: Choice and Prejudice: Discrimination against Muslims in Europe (Amnesty International)
Muslims in Europe: Promoting Integration and Countering Extremism
