Looking Back and Looking Forward: KARAMAH’s Progress for Gender Equity in the Muslim Community

 Twenty years ago, leaders from all over the world convened in Beijing to discuss matters concerning gender. It was at that critical moment in history that the feminist movements around the world had a global platform. KARAMAH leaders were present at the Beijing Conference and led the movement there to prioritize the rights of Muslim women. Together with the Muslim Women’s League and Muslim women from various parts of the world, KARAMAH formed the Muslim Women’s Caucus in Houairo. At that critical juncture many had not devoted time or research to the rights of women in Islam. KARAMAH distributed a paper entitled “An Introduction to Muslim Women’s Rights” that was later published in a book entitled Windows of Faith by Gisella Webb. This article was part of the discussions among Muslim women and these conversations transformed the narrative surrounding women’s rights in Islam. For the past 20 years, KARAMAH has dedicated itself to advancing the rights of Muslim women globally, and continues to address these issues from a gender equitable, Islamic perspective.
Join us as we revisit the state of women’s rights then and now. We will then pose the question: have we come far enough?

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