Rev. Dr. Roy Medley

Rev. Dr. A. Roy Medley

The Rev. Dr. Medley served as General Secretary of the American Baptist Churches USA (ABC) from 2002-2015 and has been named General Secretary Emeritus by the denomination. Throughout his ministry as General Secretary, Rev. Medley has been active in efforts related to interfaith understanding and religious liberty.  Within the United States he has led the pan-Baptist dialogue with the US Muslim community in three national dialogues co-sponsored with the Islamic Society of North America. As General Secretary, Rev. Medley also led American Baptist Churches to become founding members of Shoulder to Shoulder, to address Islamophobia in the United States. For his efforts, he was recognized by ISNA at its 2015 Annual meeting.

In 2016, Medley participated as one of a several non-Muslim leaders invited by Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah to review and endorse the Marrakesh Declaration alongside Muslim clerics and scholars. This document was a breakthrough which addressed the rights of minority religions in Muslim-majority countries based upon the Koran and the Hadith.

Globally, Rev. Medley has fostered the cause of religious liberty and human rights in diverse contexts. He addressed religious leaders in Beirut, Lebanon on the topic; has been a vocal advocate for religious minorities in Burma, both Christian and Muslim; served as a member of a US delegation to dialogue with Iranian clerics, politicians and members of civil society; was a member of the US-Egyptian Dialogue Initiative in 2015 and 2017; and has led peace pilgrimages to Israel and Palestine.  In 2017, he served as trainer for Christian-Muslim dialogue efforts in Egypt led by HANDS. He continues to be a regular member of the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace founded by Sheik bin Bayyah and was a participant in the Muslim World League’s “BUILDING BRIDGES BETWEEN EAST AND WEST” conference in 2023. Medley regularly consults with Baptist leaders on various forms of religious nationalism.

Dr. Medley has extensive experience in ecumenical organizations. His service includes being the chairperson of the National Council of Churches of Christ, USA from 2014-2015.  During that time he helped expand the NCC’s interfaith dialogues to include Buddhists and Hindus. Together with NCC General Secretary Jim Winkler, he lead the NCC in reclaiming its historical voice in issues of racial justice and immigration. In retirement he served as president of Friendship Press, the publishing arm of the National Council of Churches which was charged with updating the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible (NRSV) and the subsequent publication of the NRSV Updated Edition (NRSVUE). Having attended the Graduate School of Ecumenical Studies and served as an intern at the World Council of Churches as a seminarian, he was especially pleased as General Secretary to be a delegate at gatherings of the World Council of Churches and its Central Committee.

Rev. Medley’s leadership in the Baptist World Alliance, the global umbrella of Baptist churches, has included service on the Executive, Membership, and Personnel committees. From 2016-2020, he chaired the newly created Commission on Interfaith Relations of the Baptist World Alliance in which he remains active. In October, 2016, he represented the Baptist World Alliance in the Synod on the Family called by Pope Francis. Led by President Jimmy Carter, he joined other US Baptist leaders in establishing the New Baptist Covenant to galvanize Baptist efforts against racism and served on its planning committee.

Dr. Medley was reared in Ringgold, GA. He is a graduate of Ringgold High School, the University of Chattanooga and Princeton Theological Seminary, and he holds several honorary doctorates in recognition of his service to Christ, the church and humanity. He is married to the Rev. Dr. Patricia Medley, an ordained Lutheran pastor. They have two sons, Ethan and Jordan. Ethan is married to Urbi Utley Medley and they have two children, Isaiah and Olivia. Jordan is married to Natalia Klimkiewicz.

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