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Aisha Rahman, Esq. calls for leadership, education in the American Muslim community at Masjid Muhammad’s 75th anniversary

…read the full article in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs online, please click here. To read Dr. al-Hibri’s written statement, please follow the link below. Download press attachment…

Aisha Rahman, Esq. calls for leadership, education in the American Muslim community at Masjid Muhammad’s 75th anniversary اقرأ المزيد »

KARAMAH Founder Speaks on Opening Day of Marrakesh Conference: Pledging with Hundreds of Muslim Scholars Protection for Religious Minorities in Muslim Lands

(rushd) of the community, and describes the opposite state as one of oppression (ghayy).   Dr. al-Hibri also cited two other important Qur’anic concepts upon which the Charter of Madinah…

KARAMAH Founder Speaks on Opening Day of Marrakesh Conference: Pledging with Hundreds of Muslim Scholars Protection for Religious Minorities in Muslim Lands اقرأ المزيد »

Interpreting the Qur’an and the Constitution: Similarities in the Use of Text, Tradition, and Reason in Islamic and American Jurisprudence

…world of American constitutional theory. We will here set these debates next to each other, illustrating some important similarities between the two legal cultures clearly visible despite their differences. Download

Interpreting the Qur’an and the Constitution: Similarities in the Use of Text, Tradition, and Reason in Islamic and American Jurisprudence اقرأ المزيد »

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