Struggles and Triumphs Shared On Stage

Since its inception, KARAMAH has stood firmly on one founding principle: Muslim women need to tell their own story. When KARAMAH began, many people around the world wanted to speak in Muslim women’s voices. Not much has changed in the past 21 years. So, as a part of KARAMAH’s annual Law and Leadership Summer Program, KARAMAH invites participants to share their stories with the world. On Wednesday, August 20, 2014, Karamah held a fantastic event at Busboys & Poets. Five participants from the Law and Leadership Summer Program courageously got on stage at the venue, and told their stories. The women shared their intimate struggles and triumphs, and moved the audience through a spectrum of emotions.


The first speaker to greet the stage was Zara Iqbal, from Pakistan. She talked about her life journey including the ups and downs of her romantic relationships. “After being denied my basic rights, I realised that I would no longer keep my silence, but I would raise my voice, and with my KARAMAH sisters, bring dignity to every Muslim women around the world.” By speaking with a loud strong voice, Zara assured the audience that no matter how difficult life can get, it is important not to lose your voice.

Another empowering life story was delivered by Rukia Mohamed, from Kenya. Rukia is a strong independent mother who encountered hardships of her own, yet still made it as a successful woman today. After having someone sponsor her education, she started an NGO in Kenya, featuring education, health, and home-based care. The organization sponsors education for children in needy families, breast cancer diagnostics, HIV/AIDs awareness, and medical camps including gynecological treatment and optical exams.

When speaking about her work experience, Rukia said, “In my journey doing community work, it occurred to me that I needed more empowerment on Islamic education, and thought, how can I empower others, if I was not empowered myself?” Rukia proved to herself and the audience that in order to make a difference, you must seek knowledge and be educated in order to help your community flourish.

Thanks to the courage of five amazing women who bravely shared their personal stories with the audience, KARAMAH was able to hold a powerful even. The night ended with a satisfied audience, empowered and encouraged to overcome struggles and embrace their triumphs.

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