KARAMAH Extends Condolences to Victims’ Families Following Attacks in Libya

Washington, D.C., September 13, 2012

The KARAMAH Family is shocked and saddened by the recent violence in Benghazi that led to the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and others with him. KARAMAH extends its deepest condolences to their families. Our thoughts and prayers are with them, as are those of the whole nation.

During this period of intense mourning and sorrow, we feel it is not appropriate to launch into an analysis or commentary on the situation. There will be a time for this. Now is the time for us all to come together and remember the good service of those who are no longer with us. Let us celebrate their lives as we mourn their deaths.

In their memory, we ask that each one of us think about ways in which we can advance the cause of peace everywhere. Let us unite to stand against ignorance and violence in all forms and promote an understanding of our common humanity and desire for cooperation and world peace. Together, we can do that!
