KARAMAH Holds Briefing on USCIRF’s Addition of Turkey to the CPC List

On Saturday, March 24, KARAMAH hosted an educational briefing on the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), its mandate and processes, as well as its decision to recommend the addition of Turkey to the list of Countries of Particular Concern (CPC). This educational briefing featured two of the nine Commissioners from USCIRF: Dr. Azizah al-HIbri, founder of KARAMAH and Ted Van Der Meid, both of whom dissented from the decision to designate Turkey as a CPC. During the evening, the Commissioners discussed Turkey’s record on religious freedom, the meaning of the recommended designation, and the potential impact that designation may have on Turkey. The audience was very engaged and asked many questions.

This briefing was arranged quickly in coordination with community leaders after the release of USCIRF’s 2012 Annual Report on Tuesday, March 20. KARAMAH wanted to educate concerned community members about issues in real time, and give Commissioners an opportunity to receive feedback from the community as well. KARAMAH is currently planning a series of events on various other countries and issues of religious freedom there

To learn more about USCIRF and Turkey’s new designation, KARAMAH encourages community members to visit USCIRF’s website at [link], and read the chapter on Turkey in its 2012 Annual Report [link], as well as the Commissioners’ Dissenting Statements, beginning on Page 220.
