Statement on the Passing of Nelson Mandela

Today we mourn the loss of a great leader, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. President Mandela was not only the father of South Africa, but also one of the most important world leaders of the last century. Madiba, as he was affectionately known, never wavered from his commitment to justice despite suffering unimaginable indignities. Through his leadership, a movement of historically disenfranchised people toppled repugnant civil institutions that socially and economically benefited few while brutalizing most.

Karamah LLSP alumna Munirah Osman-Hyder, a South African attorney and activist, shared today that although her country and the world is in mourning, it is a celebratory mourning of a life lived well. She reminded us of President Mandela’s inaugural address in which he called South Africa the “rainbow nation.” Ms. Osman-Hyder said, “In my understanding, he threw a challenge to all of us – he was daring this diverse nation to blend with each other without destroying or distorting each other, to stand together and be that beautiful rainbow after the storms of apartheid.”

Madiba fought for justice in a grand way— he fought for everyone’s divine right to dignity that no person or political power could take away. KARAMAH was founded on these very principles, as our organization derives its very name from the Qur’anic verse in which God states: “We have given dignity (karamah) to [all] the children of Adam” (17:71).

Madiba was deeply admired by the entire KARAMAH family and we reflect on his work with heavy hearts but clear eyes. We also call on our global community to honor Madiba’s legacy by continuing the long march to freedom for everyone regardless of race, gender, or other distinctions.

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