Badria Abdullah Al-Awadhi

Badria Abdullah Al-Awadhi

Dr. Al-Awadhi holds a Doctorate degree PhD in Public International law from London University, University College of Law in 1975 and a Master’s Degree in International Public and Private Law from Cairo University, Law Faculty in 1967 and 1968. She is currently an active member of KARAMAH’S Jurist Network. Dr. Al-Awadhi is a renowned International and Shari’a Legal Expert, currently serving as Director of Arab Regional Center for Environmental Law (ARCEL), Regional Legal Consultant at Freedom House Foundation (USA), practicing Attorney and Professor of International Law at Kuwait University Faculty of Law. Dr. Al-Awadhi was the first to serve as a Dean of Law Faculty and Shari’a in Kuwait University in 1979. Since 1975, she has published several Books and Articles on various legal issues including International Humanitarian Law, International Law, Law of the Sea, Comparative Family Law, Comparative Nationality Law, Environmental Law and Women and Children rights.

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