KARAMAH Participates in Iftars Extending Intra-Faith Bridges

This Ramadan, KARAMAH has continued its efforts to bring together different communities. On July 1st, 2015, executive director Aisha Rahman attended the Turkish-South Asian friendship Ramadan Iftar organized by the Rumi Forum and the American Turkish Friendship Alliance (“ATFA”). This Iftar is one in a series that the two organizations have organized between Turkish and other ethnic communities. KARAMAH commends the Rumi Forum and ATFA for their efforts to build bridges within the Muslim community. Ms. Rahman delivered brief remarks at the Iftar . She recalled a story of her experiences in college, when at the Muslim Student’s Association meetings she was asked about whether she was Urdu speaking or Punjabi. Whether she was Sunni or Shia. When she asked her parents, they told her she was simply Muslim. While we at KARAMAH respect the diversity of the Muslim community and various madahib and scholars, we also recognize that there are forces in this world that seek to divide us. These forces are strong and they are succeeding in creating schisms within the Muslim community. Often, we at KARAMAH quote the verse in the Qur’an that says, “O people, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another.” (Qur’an, 49:13). While this verse is usually used to advocate for interfaith relations, Ms. Rahman reminded the audience that we need to tackle the divisive forces within our Muslim communities as well. We need to address the racism, prejudice and bias that exist between different ethnic communities. We are strong when we are united. Indeed, God says that He gave dignity to all the children of Adam (Qur’an:17: 70) and that we are all created from a single soul. (Qur’an: 4:1)
