KARAMAH Submits Priorities to the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division

Press Release:  January 31st, 2013

By special invitation of Policy & Strategy Section of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, KARAMAH met this week with representatives of the sections of the Civil Rights Division and with Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Tom Perez. KARAMAH was invited to submit its priorities to the DoJ for the promotion of women’s rights and to discuss civil rights priorities that affect women and girls.

KARAMAH identified the following civil rights issues particularly affecting women and girls in the Muslim American community:

1. Abuse Against Women. Of particular concern in the Muslim community are:

-Language Access
-Access to Resources
-Lack of Cultural Competency/Sensitivity
-Immigration/Visa issues
-Financial issues

2. Bullying and Hate Crimes.

3. Sex and Labor Trafficking.

To read KARAMAH’s submission, click here:
