KARAMAH Celebrates MLK Day through Community Service Supporting Women’s Empowerment

On January 18th, 2016, KARAMAH celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day (MLK Jr.). In celebrating this day, KARAMAH participated in an event organized by Women Empowering Women at Park Road Community Church, Washington D.C. This event’s objectives were to help job-seeking women with resume building and interviewing skills. It also aimed at providing gently used business attire for women who are newly employed or are seeking employment.

While we believe that every day is a day of service to our community, we are proud to have commemorated the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by serving underserved women and contributing to their economic empowerment. We believe that women’s economic empowerment is one of the most powerful means for women to achieve their potential and advance their rights.

Since 1996, MLK Jr. Day has been a National Day of Service, with many organizations calling for volunteers and local groups implementing community service projects in their neighborhoods. In addition to volunteering opportunities, many cities hold annual events to discuss and learn about MLK Jr.’s life, the civil rights movement and the work that must continue to bring about justice for all.

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