KARAMAH EU Launches “Peaceful Lives: Resolving Disputes Within Muslim Families”

This year, KARAMAH EU launched a new 10-day training program entitled “Peaceful Lives: Resolving Disputes Within Muslim Families in partnership with the Hoger Instituut voor  Gezinswetenschappen.

The goal of this program is to empower local actors and leaders to become agents of change through their peace building role within the Muslim communities in Europe and in this way induce a profound social transformation, especially in the attitudes towards women and youth, towards greater openness to social change, gender equity, and civic engagement.

Often, imams and spiritual leaders are pressured to find practical solutions for gender-based issues which they may not always have the proper training for. This program will teach methods of instilling fairness, sensitivity, and other needs within a dispute as part of a greater process of healthy conflict resolution.

We are confident that faith-based conflict resolution training for local imams, mosque mediators, and other community leaders can have a profound impact on women, men, families and local communities which make up the broader global Muslim society.

*KARAMAH EU is our sister organization based in Brussels, Belgium. The organization was founded by a dedicated group of KARAMAH’s Law and Leadership Summer Program alumnae. KARAMAH EU is concerned with the propagation of gender equity across Europe and around the world. Their vision and mission are informed by the view that a just society values the informed participation of its members through the pursuit of knowledge, access to opportunities and equity, regardless of gender or other differences.