Raja Naji al-Makkaoui

Raja Naji al-Makkaoui

Dr. Raja Naji al- Makkawi is a professor at the University Law School in Rabat, Morocco. She is the president of the Doctoral Unity of Formation and Research on Health Law and is also the president of Pool of Research on Health Law. She was chosen by both Newsweek and Al Jazeera as one of the most influential women in the Arab and Muslim world. In 2003, she became the first woman to deliver a religious lecture in front of the King of Morocco as part of Durous Hasaniyya. Dr. Naji is the author of many books, including Children in Difficulty: Their Problems and Rights; Introduction to the Law Science; and Subjective Right: Definition, Substances and Limits. Dr. Naji is also the author of numerous articles on social and development issues. Dr. Naji is a founding member of the International Muslim Women Jurist Network and a member of KARAMAH’s jurist network.

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