Update from KARAMAH’S Research Division | new scholarship on FGM

For the last 24 years, KARAMAH’s mission has been to educate both Muslims and non-Muslims about the just, gender-equitable principles of Islam, and to provide the community with Islamic jurisprudence that emphasizes gender equity and encourages intellectual growth, conflict resolution, and leadership development.

To continue this mission, KARAMAH will be giving a presentation at the United Nations, and we would like you to be there.

Please join us March 21st for Debunking the Myth that Islam Requires Female Circumcision

Date: March 21, 2018  

Time : 6:15 PM

Location: Church Center for the United Nations

      Room: Tenth Floor

      771 United Nations Plaza

      New York, NY 10017

This parallel event with the theme of Advancing Women’s Agenda will take place on the 10th day of the UN Commission on the Status of Women’s 62nd session.

KARAMAH has worked on civil rights and family law issues impacting Muslim women since its founding in 1993. It is a go-to organization for questions regarding general rights and safety including the Islamic position on FGM. FGM is consistently listed as a barrier to equality and religious freedom to women and girls worldwide, especially in rural areas. Help us raise awareness for women’s rights and stopping FGM by attending.

We greatly appreciate your continued support.