
Law students and faculty discuss Islamic law, share stories of faith at lecture series kick-off event

For the past several years, KARAMAH has fronted a U.S campaign to analyze the role of Islamic Law in U.S. courts. As seen with a 2008 New Jersey case, testimony about Islamic Law in a civil proceeding can and has been construed as Shari’ah creeping into the U.S. legal system—or so proponents of anti-Shari’ah legislation will […]

Law students and faculty discuss Islamic law, share stories of faith at lecture series kick-off event Read More »

Aisha Rahman, Esq. calls for leadership, education in the American Muslim community at Masjid Muhammad’s 75th anniversary

Reading a written statement by Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, KARAMAH’s Executive Director Ms. Aisha Rahman praised Masjid Muhammad’s legacy of leadership in the American Muslim community at the Masjid’s 75th anniversary celebration. Addressing the importance of understanding Islam’s history in America in particular, Ms. Rahman implored the Muslim community to grow in historical understanding, leadership and

Aisha Rahman, Esq. calls for leadership, education in the American Muslim community at Masjid Muhammad’s 75th anniversary Read More »

KARAMAH Submits Priorities to the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division

Press Release:  January 31st, 2013 By special invitation of Policy & Strategy Section of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, KARAMAH met this week with representatives of the sections of the Civil Rights Division and with Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Tom Perez. KARAMAH was invited to submit its priorities

KARAMAH Submits Priorities to the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Read More »

Discussing the Intersection Between Civil Rights and Family Law, KARAMAH Speaks at Buffalo, NY Mosque

KARAMAH’s mission is to advocate for civil rights and civil liberties of the American Muslim community. Injustice in the form of discrimination against specific groups is not tolerated. Using her knowledge and experience in family law, KARAMAH’s Executive Director Ms. Rahman talked about the connection between family law and civil rights at a town hall

Discussing the Intersection Between Civil Rights and Family Law, KARAMAH Speaks at Buffalo, NY Mosque Read More »

Chadian Delegation Learns about Islam in America, KARAMAH’s Scholarly Approach

There is no amount of reading that can take the place of hands-on experience when attempting to learn. KARAMAH met with six delegation members from Chad who traveled to the United States to learn about how Islam is practiced in America. By listening, discussing and visiting Muslim and educational organizations, the delegation was able to

Chadian Delegation Learns about Islam in America, KARAMAH’s Scholarly Approach Read More »

Montgomery College-Germantown Film Screening Draws all Faiths, Prompts Questions, and Creates Bonds of Solidarity

When KARAMAH decided to showcase the acclaimed documentary “Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet” as a public event, the organization hoped to raise awareness about misconceptions surrounding the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the wake of a lascivious Youtube video about the Prophet, sparking protests throughout the Muslim world. The number of people that entered Globe Hall

Montgomery College-Germantown Film Screening Draws all Faiths, Prompts Questions, and Creates Bonds of Solidarity Read More »

Aisha Rahman and Dr. Azizah al-Hibri Capture Minds, Inspire Action at Maldives Conference

“We’ve been duped.” This is a short but profound statement from one Maldivian woman. The same individual went on to explain that while every Maldivian received an Islamic education at an early age, many women are unaware of the rights afforded them under Islamic law. In November 2012, KARAMAH’s Chair and Founder Dr. Azizah al-Hibri

Aisha Rahman and Dr. Azizah al-Hibri Capture Minds, Inspire Action at Maldives Conference Read More »

KARAMAH Concludes Domestic Violence Awareness Series at DMV Mosques

At the height of domestic violence awareness month, KARAMAH conducted a four-part series about raising domestic violence awareness in Muslim communities. “Love Like the Prophet: Ending Domestic Violence in Muslim Communities” was a program designed to address domestic violence from an Islamic perspective, promote discussion within communities about this issue,and shed light on resources available

KARAMAH Concludes Domestic Violence Awareness Series at DMV Mosques Read More »